Author: Bob Jones

How to Redeem Code in State of Survival

State of Survival is a free-to-play strategy survival game, immersing players into an oncoming zombie apocalypse by building bases and fighting off waves of undead enemies. Developers frequently issue promo codes that allow players to redeem in-game rewards such as resources, speedup boosters and Biocaps; these promo codes usually have time restrictions and will expire…

Trauma Kits Are the Best First Aid Kits for Serious Injuries

Contrasting with first aid kits, which typically deal with minor scrapes and sprains, trauma kits address serious, life-threatening injuries. Many include airway adjuncts that will ensure patients can access professional help until medical assistance can be secured. Our testers evaluated various pre-made portable trauma kits, from comprehensive sets to ultra-minimalist ones. Here are their top…

Bunker Ideas For Your Backyard

Be it Armageddon, domestic terrorist attack, zombie infestation or just mother nature herself – having a bunker in your own backyard can only serve to improve its effectiveness and increase protection. Most jurisdictions have approval processes in place for constructing any underground structure, including bunkers. Therefore, you will want to make sure everything goes according…

Cheap Prepper Items You Should Have in Your Stash

Prepping for disaster need not break the bank; by shopping smart and stashing items strategically, it can actually save money while prepping. Prepping with essential items such as rain ponchos and duct tape can make all the difference when faced with an emergency situation. With their ability to help protect you from SHTF events, these…

Searching For Nuclear Fallout Shelters Near Me

Nuclear attack is an unnerving thought. Fallout can quickly cause suffocation, burns and cardiac arrest while over time it could lead to cancers and other health issues. Recent international political developments and threats from world leaders has caused more people to look for “fallout shelters near me”. But where should they go? Public Shelters Public…

Find a Fallout Shelter Near Me

With recent international political developments, discussions surrounding nuclear bomb shelters have once more come back up. These sturdy-built rooms provide safe spaces to shelter from nuclear blasts; however, their capacity may not meet all your needs. Strong concrete buildings without windows offer the safest option. Public fallout shelters During the Cold War, fallout shelters were…

Water Storage Containers For Emergency Preparation

Water is one of the most essential needs during an emergency situation. To be ready, store several days’ worth in containers that are both easily accessible and mobile. Avoid containers that hold cleaning supplies, fertilizers and other odor-emitting products as these could possibly seep into your stored water. Furthermore, seek containers with easily adjustable or…