Prepper Guide – What You Need to Know

prepper guide

Possessing the appropriate equipment and knowledge will increase your odds of survival during an emergency situation. A prepper guide goes beyond gear; it involves learning, practicing, and planning for any eventualities that may arise.

Many beginners find prepping to be intimidating. They often approach it with the wrong mindset – thinking only in terms of zombie or Rambo scenarios.


Water is one of the most essential supplies to have when prepping for disaster. While food security tends to receive more focus, without access to clean drinking water people won’t survive long.

To store water efficiently, you’ll require containers large enough to accommodate multiple gallons. Plastic storage containers are recommended as they’re durable and can easily be rotated – although old jugs or cases could leak chemicals into your supply, potentially polluting it further.

Studies the geography and climate of your area to understand what natural disasters may occur and any risks to survival. Such natural hazards could include flooding, tornadoes, earthquakes, hurricanes, drought and wildfires; war, economic collapse or inflation can also pose threats that require preparation in terms of supplies stocked up for survival. Once this information is in hand, then planning accordingly should become possible.


Most prepper have enough food stored to last several months in case of a disaster, along with a plan for how they will manage without access to stores or water sources.

Meat is an invaluable item to store up in an emergency. Not only is it easily transportable and an excellent source of protein, but many prepper also opt to stock their freezer with canned or dried meat products such as chicken breasts, beef jerky, etc.

Grains and dry goods are essential elements in any prepper pantry, since these items can be stored easily over long periods. Some preppers prefer white rice (the best storage choice), quinoa, buckwheat millet oats or wheat berries in their inventory.

Other prepper may opt for cultivating and preserving their own fruits and vegetables for long term storage, along with learning to create jams, jellies, or preserves themselves. A manual can opener is an invaluable asset when prepping, as this allows you to open cans should the power go out!


Sheltering yourself and your family during an emergency situation is essential, so a prepper must learn how to build one in advance and secure all necessary supplies for that purpose.

Preppers ensure they have access to sufficient food and water supplies as well as having somewhere safe to go in case of an emergency, such as a bunker or basement.

Preppers teach their family how to survive in any survival situation, from water procurement and purification, self-defence, building shelters and self-sufficiency to learning how to grow food and make medicines themselves – giving them the skills necessary for taking care of themselves in case the economy collapses and supplies become scarce.


Prepper guides vary based on personal needs; however, certain elements should always be part of any good prepper guide. Examples include having an emergency locator beacon and knowledge about self-defense and protection available during emergencies – having these items can give you a survival advantage over those without them.

Some prepper ensure they have a plan in place for dealing with natural disasters, power outages, economic collapse and other potential threats to their area. To do so effectively they research historical events related to natural disasters, economic factors and local climate patterns.

Some prepper families also opt to teach their families survival skills such as hunting or foraging, firearm usage and supply storage in case resources become scarcer than expected. Some prepper families choose to teach their families survival techniques such as hunting or foraging for food while also training family members how to use firearms, so that if necessary they may defend themselves if need be with firearms as protection against intruders. They keep ammunition supplies stocked up should their home be threatened or food sources become limited.

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