Survival Armor Reviews

survival armor reviews

If you’re in the market for some survival armor, you’ve come to the right place. We’ve got reviews of the top-rated products on the market. This includes Ceramic, Ballistic panels, Ballistic pillows, UHMWPE plastic, and concealed vests.

Ballistic pillows

For the most part, the company’s offerings aren’t exactly plentiful. Nonetheless, a quick perusal of the shelves does yield some enlightening discoveries. In particular, the company’s flagship product, the Tactical Armor Plate, stands out. The aforementioned plate is a well executed feat of engineering. It also evinces a well-heeled staff, and a devoted fan base. If you are in the market for the latest and greatest in protective wear, be sure to check out the new TMP website and blog. We’ve been around since 1976 and are a friendly bunch. Our customer service reps are as knowledgeable as the products they service, if not more so. You will be hard pressed to find better service, or even better pricing. Whether you’re on a budget or flush with cash, our knowledgeable staff can assist in your next defense against the unknown.

Ceramic armor

If you are in need of survival armor, it is important to choose the best material. Fortunately, there are many materials to choose from, including ceramic, steel, and poly-ceramic. While each offers unique benefits, it is a good idea to consider the weight, thickness, and NIJ certification of each option.

Ceramic plates have a lot to offer compared to their steel counterparts, mainly in terms of ballistic performance. They are usually less likely to be damaged by ricochets and can provide more protection pound for pound. However, they can be expensive and require more maintenance.

Ceramics are typically sculpted to various shapes, making them a perfect fit for low-profile applications. Some manufacturers are even getting a bit bendy.

One of the tiniest cracks can ruin a plate’s ballistic performance, so be careful with handling. Moreover, a hot car can also damage a ceramic plate.

UHMWPE plastic

Ultra high molecular weight polyethylene (UHMWPE) is a high performance plastic used for a variety of applications, including survival armor. It has excellent impact strength, and is non-toxic and tasteless.

UHMWPE is a two-phase composite, comprising chains folded into highly oriented lamellae. Each individual lamella is 10-50 nm thick. The mechanical properties of UHMWPE are temperature dependent.

Several studies have shown that crosslinked UHMWPE has a superior fatigue crack propagation resistance. It also shows a reduced wear rate compared to conventional polyethylenes. However, it is susceptible to in vivo oxidative degradation. Studies of conventional acetabular liners show that the percentage of retrieved liners that show cracking increased as the oxidation level increased.

Various studies have investigated the influence of a post-crosslinking thermal treatment on the structural integrity of the polymer. It has been found that the post-crosslinking thermal treatment has a positive effect on the structural integrity of the material, while it reduces free radicals.

Ballistic panels

There are a number of factors to consider when choosing a bullet proof vest. These include type of threat, level of protection, and materials used in the construction.

Most modern ballistic vests are comprised of a handful of materials. One popular example is the Kevlar vest. Another material is ultra high molecular weight polyethylene (UHMWPE), also known as DSM’s Dyneema.

However, not all ballistic panels are created equal. Some will have a suspicious odor, and may even have been damaged. If you are not sure whether or not your panel is safe, you should take the time to read the manufacturers care instructions.

The best way to determine your personal protective equipment is to evaluate what you are most likely to face. For example, if you live in a large city, you might be in danger of being shot at by a handgun. Likewise, if you are in a rural area, you might be exposed to hunting rifles. You may even find yourself in a conflict zone where small arms fire is a possibility.

Concealed vs. external armor

Whether you’re shopping for concealable or external survival armor, there are a few things to keep in mind. First, consider your personal situation. For example, you may be a civilian looking for a vest to wear while you’re in an emergency situation. Alternatively, you might be a tactical team member seeking external carriers for protection.

Another confusing factor to consider is the level of body armor. There are two major types of armor, hard plates and soft armor. Each is designed to protect against specific threats.

The most robust hard armor plates can block rifle rounds. A plate will generally end at the rib cage or around the lungs. In addition to stopping rounds, it is meant to protect the sides of the body, the back, and the chest.

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