prepping skills

Best Powder Milks

Milk powder is an ideal substitute for liquid milk. Its superior durability compared to fresh milk makes it perfect for camping trips or hotel rooms. When shopping for powdered milk, look for a product that dissolves rapidly and doesn’t leave lumps when mixed with water. Additionally, it should be low in fat and free from…

Bunker Ideas

Bunkers are shelters or places of refuge typically built in backyards or near houses. They can serve both as a means for survival as well as secure storage for items like food and water. Owning a bunker on your property can protect you and your family from certain disasters such as nuclear attacks or riots….

Prepper University – Girding For the End of the World

Prepper University – Girding For the End of the World

  Prepping for the end of the world is a burgeoning global phenomenon. These people stockpile food and water and skill-up to survive disasters such as earthquakes, terrorist attacks, economic collapse or epidemics. Sociologist Anna Maria Bounds says these urban preppers are not counting on the state for their safety. They are preparing for the…