The Essential Items on a Prepper’s List

Preppers often share a common goal: the desire to be prepared.

No matter the cause of disaster – natural or manmade – or financial crisis – people around the world want to prepare. Doing so makes good sense and is smart.

1. Survival Gear

One of the most essential items on any prepper’s list is survival gear. No matter how much food and water you have stored away, without adequate survival gear you won’t last long in an emergency.

With the right tools and knowledge, you can survive any situation that comes your way – be it zombie attacks or natural disasters. To get you started on this journey, here is a look at some essential pieces of prepper gear:

The top item on this list is a tarp, or Mylar blanket as it’s also known. This emergency shelter can be folded down into a compact package for portability during disasters. While not as impressive as tents or other shelters, tarps still serve an important purpose for preppers on-the-go. You can use them for building makeshift shelters or power generators too!

2. Food

Your preppers list should contain high-quality, nutritious and easily prepared food that’s also easy to store and keep fresh in case an emergency arises.

Your pantry should always include staples like rice and oatmeal, which provide essential protein and carbohydrates. Not only that, but these grains also store well in the pantry for extended use.

Another essential item for your preppers list should be dried fruits and raisins. These items provide an enjoyable way to boost the amount of vitamins and nutrients in your diet.

Honey is an invaluable addition to any preppers pantry, due to its long shelf life and natural sweetening power. Plus, honey contains nutrients as well as antimicrobial properties – making it a must-have food choice for any prepper.

3. Water

Water is one of the most essential elements for any prepper’s list. Not only is it essential for survival, but it’s especially critical if your area’s public water system has been disrupted.

Store Water Easiest Way Possible

When it comes to storing water, having a container on hand that can be used for drinking is the simplest option. Rainwater can also provide an abundant supply of this essential liquid.

Water should always be stored in a container with an integrated filter to keep it pure and tasty. You may also purchase a portable filter kit that’s convenient to carry around. Other useful items to consider include a battery-operated shower head and rain-proof bucket. Hopefully these tips will keep you healthy and safe during any emergency. Until next time, keep prepared and happy! Thank you for reading Preppers Survive!

4. Shelter

In addition to survival gear, shelter is an absolute must on any preppers list. Whether you’re camping out in the wilderness or staying inside during an emergency, finding a place to sleep will be your top priority.

Some prepper lists focus on preparing for the end of the world, while others prepare for everyday emergencies that could arise due to economic collapse or another unexpected event.

Some people are so worried about societal collapse that they’ve built bunkers or stocked their homes with food. Others are more skills-based prepper types, focused on living off the grid or homesteading. These individuals keep gardens, turn compost piles, do home canning, and know animal husbandry – not because they’re crazy or paranoid but to prepare for whatever may come their way. These people would definitely help save you from a Graboid monster like in Tremors movies!

5. Medical

Maintaining your family’s safety from the elements requires more than just having a well-stocked pantry. It’s essential to know how to care for yourself in an emergency, and the most effective way to do this is by living an active lifestyle and taking responsibility for your own wellbeing. Once you become prepared, any situation that comes your way can be handled with confidence. The preppers industry provides numerous ways to achieve this goal; one of the most obvious being regular exercise and eating healthily. Budgeting wisely for the future will reap huge rewards in the future. Furthermore, taking time to create your own disaster plan not only saves you money but ensures your family is secure in case of an emergency.

6. First Aid Kit

First aid kits are essential tools and materials that can be used to treat injuries, illnesses, and emergencies. You can purchase pre-made first aid kits online or from local drug stores.

A comprehensive first aid kit should contain items to treat cuts, abrasions and burns. These should include bandages, sterile cotton balls, medications, antiseptics and any other items that can help prevent infection or keep wounds clean until medical assistance arrives.

These kits are great for storing in your home, car or Bug Out Location; however they’re also ideal to have while traveling or hiking. Since they’re compact and lightweight, you can carry them easily.

7. Bug Out Bag

A bug out bag is an expertly constructed emergency kit designed to supply you with resources for 72 hours in case your access to food, water and other basic necessities is interrupted.

When designing a bug out bag, it is essential that it be lightweight enough for easy transport. This is especially pertinent if you are fleeing an emergency situation.

When packing a bug out bag, the most essential items to include are shelter, water and tools for survival. Furthermore, having an up-to-date map of the area you will be fleeing from should never be overlooked.

8. Firearms

Though you probably won’t need it in case of a disaster, having one on hand is never hurting. A firearm atop your nightstand will give you peace of mind when needed most – it could even be the reason you stay put during a hurricane or earthquake! A well-stocked arsenal is essential for any survivalist’s toolbox, whether or not they plan on living out in the wild for any extended period. With the right gear in hand, having a happy and healthy future becomes much safer! To see just how prepared and equipped you are for anything that comes your way, check out our survivalist guide

9. Tools

Tools are one of the most essential items on any prepper’s list. They’re necessary for accomplishing tasks such as building and repairing items, cutting down trees and even fixing your car in case of an emergency.

When selecting a tool box, size is important. If you need to maximize space, opt for a smaller model that you can conveniently transport around and use for smaller jobs.

Your tool box should also include a shovel, which is ideal for digging and breaking up hard ground when planting survival gardens. You may also want to include a level, which is essential when putting up walls or repairing countertops. Having access to a wrench is beneficial since it allows you to turn nuts and bolts with ease.

10. Emergency Preparedness

Emergency preparedness is more than just having food and water on hand – it’s knowing what to do when disaster strikes. No matter the type of crisis, being ready to act quickly and appropriately will help minimize its effects and keep yourself and those closest to you safe.

Preparing yourself and your family for potential emergencies is essential in times when seconds count. Start by assessing your personal risks, then craft a plan tailored to fit your requirements.

Preppers must be aware of global events that could impact their region, as well as potential local threats. These could include natural disasters, war-related activities, economic issues and civil unrest.

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