The Health Benefits of Pine Needle Edible Plants
Pine needles offer a festive scent of winter and are packed with Vitamin C – an effective natural immune booster.
However, some wild plants that are not pines at all and could potentially pose a risk to humans if consumed in large amounts are Yew, Norfolk Island pine, and certain varieties of Ponderosa pine.
Vitamin A
Pine needles and spruce tips have been used for centuries in traditional medical practices. They can be dried and used as cough syrup, applied to temples or chest for headache relief, ingested for respiratory support, or made into a healing salve.
Vitamin A is essential for good vision, immune function and bone health. As an antioxidant it neutralizes free radicals in your body to keep inflammation at bay. Furthermore, vitamin A protects your heart by preventing blood clots and may reduce symptoms of depression or anxiety.
This essential nutrient can be found in all edible species of pine and spruce, so be sure to get plenty. Furthermore, it acts as an expectorant, thins mucous and may even help you breathe easier after a long flight.
Pine needles contain vitamin C as well as anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial compounds to help your body fight off infections, bacteria or fungal attacks. Furthermore, pine needles may reduce aging risks for those at higher risk for cardiovascular disease.
To reap the full benefits of pine needles, make tea. All that’s required is some fresh needles and warm water – an easy way to replenish essential vitamins and minerals without needing supplements.
Gather pine needles from a tree free of invasive pesticides. Additionally, be mindful which pine you are collecting as some varieties are toxic and should be avoided.
To make pine needle tea, gather a few fresh pine needles and place them in a pot of boiling water. Allow to steep for at least 15 minutes; strain out the needles and add honey or other sweetener to taste.
Eating fresh, organic herbs is an excellent way to increase your nutrient intake. Additionally, it helps keep a healthy balance of vitamins and minerals within your body, avoiding deficiencies or illnesses.
Pine needles contain a-pinene, which has been scientifically proven to have anti-anxiety and memory-boosting effects in animal studies. It’s also an effective natural remedy for decreasing inflammation, relieving allergies, and relieving stress.
Vitamin C
Vitamin C is an essential nutrient necessary for healthy bones, connective tissue and immune system functioning. This nutrient can be found in all edible plants but is particularly abundant in conifers like pine trees.
Pines come in many varieties, such as white pine (Pinus strobus), yellow pine (Pinus palustris), red pine (Pinus rubiginosa) and hemlock (Pinus elmi). These species of pine can be found around the world from Asia to Mediterranean Africa and Europe to North America.
Pine tree needles can be used to make tea that’s packed with vital nutrients. Not only do these needles boast a high concentration of vitamin C, but also other essential vitamins and minerals.
For optimal flavor, use young, vibrantly-colored needles. Older needles tend to have less flavor.
To make a cup of pine needle tea, bring three cups of water to a simmer over high heat and remove from heat. Next, add about half a cup fresh needles. Be careful not to boil your tea as this will break down vitamin C and release terpenes that make the tea bitter.
Steep the needles for at least 20 minutes, or longer if desired. Pour into a mug and add honey or another sweetener of your preference.
In addition to vitamin C, pine needles are packed with antioxidants. These beneficial compounds aid in combatting oxidative stress – a leading cause of disease – while protecting us against cancer and chronic illnesses alike.
Antioxidants have numerous beneficial effects, such as strengthening your immune system against illness, protecting your heart from damage and improving skin appearance. Furthermore, they reduce inflammation and pain sensations.
Contrary to citrus fruits, which lose their Vitamin C when cooked, pine needles can be stored and brewed all year long. This makes pine needle tea an especially convenient wintertime beverage when fresh fruit is scarce.
Pine needle tea has many health benefits, but it is especially renowned for its anti-scurvy effects. Legend has it that among pioneers it was able to prevent scurvy–a deficiency of vitamin C which could result in death if left untreated–by providing three to five times more vitamin C than an orange.
Proline, an essential amino acid found in humans and a component of collagen, has numerous health benefits. It helps reduce inflammation, protect against oxidative stress and minimize cellular damage while supporting digestive health and immune system function.
Proline is most often obtained from animal products such as chicken, beef and fish collagen as well as concentrated collagen protein powder and gelatin. You may also get proline from foods or supplements that contain it.
Pine needles are an excellent natural source of proline and can be brewed into tea to add it to your diet. This is an enjoyable way to incorporate proline and other essential nutrients into your daily regimen.
Adopting proline into your diet through food and supplement sources can have numerous health advantages. It’s particularly helpful for increasing collagen production – an essential element of the body’s structural framework. Collagen strengthens and supports tendons, bones and connective tissue within your body for maximum support and strength.
Collagen is a complex polypeptide protein found in skin and other body tissues. It contains leucine, proline and glutamine which are responsible for controlling various biological processes like nutrient absorption and hormone production.
Proline biosynthesis begins with arginine and glutamine, and is controlled by the enzyme phosphorylated cyclodeaminase (PDA). Additionally, PDA regulates mTOR activity – a master transcriptional regulator responsible for translating dietary carbohydrates into amino acids and proteins.
Proline plays an essential role in plant growth and development, acting as a necessary ingredient for polyamine synthesis – essential for DNA and protein synthesis, cell division, hormone production, vascular growth and cell elongation (Wu et al. 2010). Furthermore, proline helps enhance plant hormones while aiding vascular growth and cell elongation (Wu et al. 2010).
Proline plays an essential role in both fetal and neonatal development. It is the major amino acid responsible for polyamine synthesis in the placenta and enterocytes of the small intestine, as well as contributing to conceptus (fetus and associated extraembryonic membranes) growth and development (Wu et al. 2007).
Guanidine is an uremic toxin that can lead to various health conditions like renal damage, chronic kidney disease and cardiovascular disease. This compound primarily accumulates in urine due to protein metabolism.
Ingested caffeine is converted to guanidino acetic acid (GAA). This weakly acidic compound is slightly soluble in water and can be detected in urine, feces and cerebrospinal fluid of healthy individuals.
Protein 92, also known as leucine, is found in many proteins and tissues including the liver, blood and skeletal muscles. With its potential benefits for muscle health and its use by athletes to increase endurance levels, this supplement could be of great value to them.
Guanidino compounds can be found in side chains of amino acids like arginine and their methyl groups. These guanidino molecules interact with enzymes and receptors through hydrogen bonding and electrostatic forces of attraction.
Conifers accumulate guanidino compounds and proline N in physiological fluids during the winter dormancy phase of their growth cycle. This N is removed from urea and citrulline-NO by arginine deiminase, diverting it into naturally occurring series of guanidino compounds which inhibit respiration while providing N for amino acid, amide synthesis as well as renewed protein and nucleic acids synthesis in the springtime.
Guanidino compounds are essential for the health of white pine, white spruce and jack pine trees as well as their foliage. Studies indicate that these trees undergo N-phosphorylation and oxidative phosphorylation processes which convert guanidino nitrogen to phosphate and urea respectively.
This process can be reversed through the pentobarbital cyclization of arginine to methyl guanidino sulfate. This occurs within cells and plays an essential role in amino acid metabolism, helping convert arginine back to its methylated form.
When making tea, it is best to use younger needles and strain the water after boiling as this can destroy some of the nutrients being extracted from them. Furthermore, drinking your tea warm will aid digestion and promote circulation.