Author: Bob Jones

Hidden Storage For Guns

When it comes to keeping your guns secure, the location and method you select can make all the difference. Selecting appropriate hiding spaces will keep your firearms away from children as well as thieves during home invasion attempts. There are various gun storage solutions available, from furniture with hidden gun storage compartments, wall clocks with…

Survivalist Checklist – A Must-Have For Preppers

No matter your level of prepping experience, having a checklist can be immensely useful in building an emergency preparedness strategy for you and your family. Use our survivalist checklist as a foundational step toward making sure they’re fully prepared in case an unexpected emergency strikes! Prepping is more than gear and storage; to be truly…

What is the Survival Rate of Prostate Cancer?

Men with prostate cancer localized to their prostate or nearby structures have an exceptionally high survival rate; nearly 100% will live for five years or longer after receiving their diagnosis. But statistics do not tell the whole picture; your outlook depends on many variables, including its stage at diagnosis and Gleason score. Stage of Cancer…

Building a Generator Can Be Done With Items You Have Scrounged Up

Generators convert mechanical energy into electrical energy on an industrial scale, similar to how bicycle dynamos convert the bike’s engine energy into power. With simple household materials and some creative thinking, this project will demonstrate the fundamental principles behind generators which use gas, oil or solar power to generate electricity. 1. Battery First and foremost,…

The Best Prepper Blogs

There are many preparedness enthusiasts out there looking for ways to be ready for the next disaster, whether that be financial collapse, economic downturn or natural disaster, terrorist attack etc. The top prepper blogs provide plenty of useful information. These blogs offer tips for self-reliance and survival and are regularly updated, plus have sections for…