Author: Bob Jones

Heat Your Home For Pennies a Day With Candle and Clay Pot Heater

YouTube videos suggest that this terra-cotta pot space heater could provide affordable heat to your home for pennies per day, yet it poses several dangers. Fire can be an especially serious hazard; paraffin candles burn at high temperatures and, should something knock over the clay pot heater, liquid wax could begin to flow freely and…

Minimum Prepper Supplies

Proper preparation of basic necessities is of utmost importance for any prepper. Food may last several weeks without refrigeration but water supplies must always remain available at all times for survival. Therefore, it is vitally important to prioritize the four core survival priorities. We advise keeping an up-to-date checklist and making regular reviews so as…

Water Storage Home

Preppers should keep two weeks worth of water on hand – this equates to 14 gallons for one person. An effective solution for reaching this goal is purchasing pre-packaged bottled water, as this type of beverage comes with all of the benefits listed above, plus food-grade plastic seal protection and easy portability. However, purchasing it…

Top 10 Wilderness Survival Items

Preparedness can help ensure survival when lost in the wilderness. It’s vital that you have everything necessary for signaling rescuers, making meals and starting fires, protecting against elements, performing first aid procedures and repairing gear. Your children can purchase survival kits that contain all these items or you can assemble one yourself using items already…

Best Online Survivalist Groups For Preppers

Best Online Survivalist Groups For Preppers

For preppers, being prepared for survival situations is a top priority. And when it comes to finding like-minded individuals to share tips, advice, and support on how to prepare for emergencies, the internet can be a valuable resource. One of the best online survivalist groups for preppers is r/preppers on Reddit – a forum where…

Fallout Shelters Locations

Nuclear fallout shelters provide protection from penetrating radiation (gamma rays) and radioactive particles, and should be an integral component of any survival plan. There are online interactive maps which display mineral reserve operations with information on names, locations and commodity reserves. However, they remain largely relics from the Cold War; expensive and providing limited protection…

Wilderness Survival Guide

Finding yourself lost, injured or stranded in the wilderness is terrifying and real; stay calm, assess the situation carefully and make wise decisions to avoid becoming one of its statistics. An individual needs water for survival; finding a source must therefore be one of your highest priorities. Learn how to purify muddy water sources as…