Author: Bob Jones

Prepper University – Girding For the End of the World

Prepper University – Girding For the End of the World

  Prepping for the end of the world is a burgeoning global phenomenon. These people stockpile food and water and skill-up to survive disasters such as earthquakes, terrorist attacks, economic collapse or epidemics. Sociologist Anna Maria Bounds says these urban preppers are not counting on the state for their safety. They are preparing for the…

Capita Indoor Survival 2022 Snowboard Review

CAPiTA’s Indoor Survival is one of our most versatile and beloved boards. Its iconic name evokes emotions tied to historic sessions of our past, but this technically packed directional twin is built for the future. It’s a powerful yet flexible board that slays the piste, park and backcountry on the same level. The proven P2…

Top Prepper Supplies

Whether you’re new to prepping or just want to be prepared for disasters, there are a few basic supplies that every prepper should have on hand. Having these items on hand will give you peace of mind knowing that you’re ready for whatever life throws at you. Here are some of the top prepper supplies…