Author: Bob Jones

100 Prepper terms

100 Prepper terms

 Here is a list of 100 prepper terms: Bug-out bag Bug-out location SHTF Doomsday prepper 72-hour kit EMP Off the grid Redoubt Bartering Primitive skills Prepping Survivalist Self-sufficiency Wilderness survival Homesteading Solar power Rainwater collection Food storage Water purification First aid kit Hunting and fishing Gardening Foraging Fermentation Canning and preserving Emergency communication Evacuation plan…

Prepper Recipes

Prepper Recipes

If you are looking for recipes for prepping, you have come to the right place. This article will give you ideas for freeze dried food, breads that are yeast free, and even sweet corn. Shelf-stable foods When you are planning for an emergency, you need to have access to food that is shelf-stable. Fortunately, there…

Survival Water Purification Systems Reviews

Regardless of whether you are looking for a survival water purification system for the home or a camping water filter, you have many options to choose from. From chemical purifiers to straw style filters, you can find the ideal solution to suit your needs. LifeStraw Personal Water Filter Designed for disaster victims and humanitarian organizations,…