Author: Bob Jones

Top 10 Emergency Items To Include In Your Prepper Bag.. People Always Forget Number 8 !

Hurricanes, earthquakes, power cuts. They’re all reasons to be prepared in advance. There are many things you’ll need in order to outlive any extended emergency situation-think water, food, shelter, and a first-aid kit- but there are also many other items that will help you come through the disaster without injury or without money – it’s…

Meal Prepping For Diabetics

Meal preparation is essential for diabetics, and finding diabetic-friendly recipes is key to keeping your diabetes under control. These recipes will provide your family with nutritious, tasty meals, and they will also be a huge help when it comes to managing your blood sugar levels. Most diabetics encounter resistance from family members when trying new…

Essentials For Survival

Essentials For Survival

Your survival kit should have a signal mirror or flashlight, which can be used for night time signaling. Alternatively, you can use a whistle to signal your position. But the most effective signal is a communication device, such as a two-way radio, cell phone or satellite phone. Other important items in your kit include cordage…


Prepper Ham Radio Frequencies

Prepper ham radio frequencies can be beneficial when preparing for a disaster. These frequencies can help you receive emergency alerts and communicate with other people worldwide. For example, you can use a UK-specific channel to receive information from the Met Office, the nation’s weather service. Ham radios use both UHF and VHF frequencies. While CB…

Prepper the Movie

Prepper the movie tells the story of a high school teacher who is preparing for a doomsday scenario. The total collapse of society is on his mind, and he takes notes on all the warning signs around him. The teacher is not alone. There are people all over the world who have a similar mindset….

How Close Are We to SHTF?

How Close Are We to SHTF?

The SHTF Horizon: Assessing How Close We Are to Crisis Welcome, dear readers, to a deeply insightful exploration of the SHTF horizon. In this article, we embark on a journey through the intricate layers of our current global landscape, meticulously examining the signs that may indicate how close we are to a crisis of unprecedented…

Best LED Tactical Flashlights of 2022

What is a Tactical LED Flashlight? A tactical flashlight is a flashlight that is designed for use in tactical situations, but a LED tactical flashlight is a versatile and powerful tool that can be used for a variety of purposes. Tactical lights are usually much brighter than regular flashlights and are often equipped with features…