Author: Bob Jones

Be Prepared to Survive-become a Prepper Today!

What Exactly is a Prepper? Preppers are people who are prepared for an emergency or disaster, typically by stockpiling food, water, and supplies. A prepper is someone who is self-reliant and can take care of themselves and their family in the event of a power outage, natural disaster, or other emergency. Preppers typically have a…

Is Prepping Worth It?

Prepping is an important skill to learn. When disaster strikes, it can be a life saver. It can also help you develop skills that will benefit you in other aspects of your life. If you don’t already have the skills to prepare, now is the time to learn them. Developing these skills will allow you…

How Do Survival Blankets Work?

How Do Survival Blankets Work?

Emergency Survival Blankets: Which Type Is Best For You? I’ve researched various available emergency blankets to help you choose the right one for your needs. You’ll find Space blankets, Mylar-lined plastic bags, all-weather blankets, and wool survival blankets among your options. Each type offers unique advantages and disadvantages that I’ll explore below. All-Weather Blankets I…