Prepper Meet 2022 in North Carolina
The prepper movement started in the early 2010s, and quickly grew into an industry. It embraced a spectrum of entrepreneurs: survival expos, podcasts, security consultants, food producers and bunker companies.
These preppers are typically self-defense oriented and often lead an active lifestyle. They’ll be ready to fight back against looters, rioters and other bad guys in an SHTF scenario.
Experience Preparedness Information and Survival Skills in a Camp-Craft Venue
Prepper meet 2022 is a unique, national event held in the open air foothills of the Appalachian Mountains in an a campground venue. It allows participants to experience preparedness information and survival skills in a camp-craft venue that is also an environment where you can swim, camp, fish, boat, hike, cook-out and more.
In addition to the information and skills you can learn from the speakers, at prepper meet 2022 you can find products that help prepare for disasters in many different areas like long term food storage, solar power, bug-out kits and tactical gear. You can also learn how to do things like canning food, building a fire, cooking over a fire and more.
You can even take classes from top preparedness experts in the field! And you can come away with the knowledge and access to friends that could have your back in an emergency.
The self-reliance community has grown in strength, relevance and activity over the past few years. So if you want to join a group of preppers that is active and ready for whatever may come, it’s time to make yourself known.
Come See Us in North Carolina
The North Carolina economy is on an unprecedented high and the Tar Heel state has a reputation for fostering innovation and business. This has helped the state rise to America’s Top State for Business in 2022. The state is attracting new investments across the political spectrum and is also one of the fastest growing economies in the nation. The leadership of the state is putting their differences aside to foster growth and prosperity. If you’re looking for the perfect place to experience prepper meet 2022, come to North Carolina! Bring the whole family. It’s an adventure like no other! Visit our website for more information.