Survival Food Reviews

Whether you’re planning to spend two weeks without leaving your house or are expecting a natural disaster, survival food can be a lifesaver.

Choosing the best survival foods can be challenging, especially if you have a specific dietary preference or food allergies. Luckily, you can find some delicious options for everyone.


Oatmeal is a very versatile food that can be used in many different ways. It is a great survival food because it can be easily stored for long periods of time, and it contains a number of healthy components that can help you in a survival situation.

Oats are a whole grain and a great source of energy. They are rich in fiber, which can help reduce the risk of heart disease and diabetes.

They are also low in calories, making them a good choice for anyone who is trying to lose weight. You can eat a bowl of oatmeal for breakfast or even as a mid-morning snack to help keep you full and satisfied.

Oats also contain a variety of antioxidant compounds, including beta-glucan, phenolic acids, and avenanthramides, which can help lower blood cholesterol levels. They also help fight inflammation and can prevent the growth of cancer cells. They also boost your immune system and can help you stay healthy in a survival situation.


Honey is a great food to add to your survival kit or stockpile because it has long shelf life and has a number of health benefits. It is also a great source of calories, which is important for your energy levels.

It is a very versatile food that is good for cooking, sweetening and as a natural medicine. It is also a great source of antioxidants, which can help protect your body from the damage that occurs by lifestyle and environmental factors.

In addition, it helps wounds heal. This is because it contains amino acids, which are essential to life and the human body needs them for growth and repair.

In addition, it can be used to treat stomach aches and diarrhea. It can also help your body absorb nutrients more effectively. It is also a good choice for someone who suffers from allergies as it can be used to relieve symptoms. It also has anti-inflammatory properties and can help ward off infections.


Sugar is a very important survival food because it can provide you with many different essential vitamins and minerals. It can also help to soothe a sore throat or cough and is great for boosting morale in an emergency situation.

It’s important to store sugar properly so that it lasts as long as possible. This can be done by keeping it in a cool, dry, and airtight storage container that doesn’t allow moisture or odors to penetrate the sugar.

This way, it will stay fresh and tasty for a very long time. Some options include polyethylene bags, Mylar-type bags, food-grade plastic buckets, glass canning jars, and repurposed plastic PETE bottles.

It is recommended that you store your sugar in a clean, dry place away from sunlight. This is to prevent bacteria from growing. If you notice any signs of mold, fungus, or other growth on your sugar, it should be discarded.


The human body needs salt, but too much is bad for us. It raises blood pressure, and the Harvard School of Public Health recommends that adults consume no more than 2,300 milligrams of sodium a day.

Most Americans, however, eat far more than this amount. Seventy-five percent of the sodium we ingest comes from processed foods, according to the American Heart Association.

Thankfully, it’s easy to cut back on your daily sodium intake by eating fresh fruits and vegetables. But you’ll want to avoid high-sodium canned goods and processed foods, as well.

The best way to make sure you’re getting adequate nutrition is to shop at your local grocery store or farmer’s market. Ideally, you’ll find a variety of natural, fresh foods that are free from chemicals, preservatives and added sugar.

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