Survival Guide List For Preppers and Survivalists
Each survivalist/prepper’s survival gear stockpile will vary; some may opt to purchase items only they know they will use post-SHTF.
Preppers looking for more modern and high-tech gear may wish to invest in modern survival guides as a guide list covers both approaches. This survival guide list features both options.
Water is essential for life on Earth; without it, a person would only survive a few days.
Water is an invaluable component of life. As a solvent, it allows substances like oxygen to dissipate into bloodstream and reach all cells of the body. Furthermore, its shape-retaining abilities make proteins necessary for bodily functions like contraction of muscles, communication among cells and digestion of nutrients.
Boiling water before drinking it helps protect against parasitic diseases such as giardiasis and cryptosporidiosis found in untreated water sources, making the decision to do so even more effective in terms of protecting yourself against these illnesses. To safeguard against their presence and to stay safe.
Survivalists and preppers preparing for emergency situations should stockpile food as one of their first priorities, however this supply will eventually run out should an emergency situation drag on for too long. Therefore, it is also wise to have tradeable goods ready when that momentous moment arrives.
When selecting survival food items, the ideal selection should be items with long shelf lives, low costs and nutritional advantages. Examples include beans, grains, salt, sugar and raw honey which can provide essential nutrition needed for survival and are easy to transport without spoiling quickly – these could even be used to make medicines should the situation arise.
Shelter is one of the essential survival necessities. It shields you from weather elements, animals and insects and provides warmth or cooling depending on its environment.
Nature provides many opportunities to find shelter. A cave or depression in the ground are both great spots, while you could also construct your own shelter from logs and branches to form a lean-to or A-frame structure that’s fireproof and sturdy.
When selecting an area to build your shelter, choose an area free from wind. Beware widowmakers (dead trees that could potentially fall on you). Finally, ensure your shelter is camouflaged so rescuers can locate it easily.
Survivalists require a range of tools in order to be fully prepared for anything that comes their way, from high-tech items such as cameras and phones, to more primitive items like leather tools or seeds for planting seeds. What gear you choose depends on what survival situation it will be used in and for how long.
Signal mirrors can be useful tools when it comes to drawing attention and starting fires in extreme environments. With its light beam, this device can help draw rescue efforts quickly in an emergency, or just use it to start one using dry tinder as fuel.
Knives are essential tools, and Leatherman offers one that’s compact yet packed with useful functions.
First Aid
First aid refers to any lifesaving care provided in response to an accident or illness, in order to minimize additional injuries and decrease waiting time until medical help arrives.
First aiders should always assess a situation to assess any danger to themselves or others before checking casualty’s airway, breathing and circulation.
First aid is not only necessary in emergency situations and major injuries; it can also be useful in treating minor ailments like skinned knees and twisted ankles, making it an invaluable skill to acquire for both yourself and those around you.
Effective communication is essential to survival because it allows people to coordinate and work as part of a team, make decisions, solve problems, maintain morale, express needs and build trust between members of a group. In addition, effective communication also keeps individuals aware of their environment and what challenges lie ahead.
Communication can take many forms, but one key way of doing it effectively in a survival situation is open and honest exchange of ideas and information. Doing this helps people come up with creative solutions to challenges as well as building bonds of camaraderie with other survivors.