What Should Be in a Bug Out Bag?
When it comes to emergency preparedness, having all the essential items is key – this includes food and water supplies as well as shelter, medical supplies and more.
Out of necessity, however, certain items should never be left out of your bug out bag as they could prove vital in helping ensure survival efforts are successful.
A bug out bag is an essential survival pack you should always have on you in case of natural disaster, or other emergency situation that requires you to evacuate from your home. These essential items could help save lives during a crisis and allow you to remain safe while travelling to safety.
Water should always be included as it can lead to severe dehydration and could potentially prove life threatening.
At minimum, it is advisable to procure two 1L containers made of stainless steel for storage purposes. Furthermore, it would be advantageous if an extra portable container such as a collapsible or foldable water bottle were available as backup storage solutions.
Your emergency survival kit must include both water and food for you to have enough energy during a crisis.
At all times, it is wise to stockpile non-perishable foods like canned goods, nuts and jerky for energy purposes. These will provide nutrients and protein which will provide energy throughout the day.
First aid kits are an invaluable part of survival kits. In the event that injuries do arise during evacuation, having access to treatment quickly is invaluable.
Communication equipment should also be on your list, which will enable you to stay in contact with others during a disaster situation.
Last but not least, make sure to pack personal hygiene products such as soap and toilet paper – these items can be lifesavers if your home comes under attack.
Food and water access is critical to survival, yet not always accessible during disaster. You might not have access to your local store, power may be out, or experience an urgent medical condition that necessitates urgent assistance.
As such, it is crucial that you have a bug out bag packed with the essential items to survive for up to 72 hours in a survival scenario.
Your bug out bag should include more than the essential items such as shelter, food and water; here are some essentials you should pack:
Ready-to-eat foods to keep you energized during a bug out: Protein bars, nuts, jerky, peanut butter packets, pemmican and canned goods have an extended shelf life and therefore make for ideal additions to a bug out bag.
Bring along a small portable stove for cooking meals outdoors or boiling water for drinking and cleaning purposes.
Bring along a portable radio, as it will provide vital communications in case of disaster. With it you will gain the information necessary and be able to take key decisions regarding your own safety.
Do not forget your passport and birth certificate as these documents will come in handy should you need to cross borders or get to work after an emergency situation has unfolded.
As an emergency survivalist or just an ordinary citizen, it’s vital that you’ve prepared all of the resources you’ll need if something unforeseen should arise. A bug out bag can provide enough resources for 72-hour survival if all access to water, food or other necessities become unavailable – no outside assistance needed!
Shelter is an integral component of any survival kit; it allows you to protect yourself from the elements. Be sure to include items that will keep you warm like blankets and wool hats; additionally, clothing should provide protection from sunlight and insects.
An essential piece of clothing is a rain jacket. This lightweight yet portable piece can keep the moisture at bay when hiking through nature or camping in harsher environments.
Other items to keep in your emergency survival bag should include a tarp, poncho and Tyvek bivy sack for shelter from the elements and storage purposes.
A compass is another essential addition to any bag’s contents, helping you navigate your surroundings and locate ways out of danger.
Include hand sanitizer and wet wipes in your bug out bag to help maintain clean hands when soap and water are unavailable, and to protect against diseases that can spread via unclean hands.
Make the most of your bug out bag by taking time to practice packing and unpacking it during free time, this way ensuring you can store essential items easily without becoming overwhelmed by its contents.
First Aid
First aid is an indispensable element of any survival plan and can save lives during times of emergency. Furthermore, first aid provides you with an opportunity to support those in need in an effective way.
First aid supplies that should be included in your emergency kit should include medications to treat pain, infection and other medical conditions – including over-the-counter painkillers such as aspirin, ibuprofen or acetaminophen (Tylenol).
As well as medications, your first aid kit should include tools to treat physical injuries you might encounter. This may include adhesive, triangular and crepe bandages which can help dress wounds; in addition, an antiseptic solution and blood-clotting device will be essential in preventing blood loss.
Hand sanitizer and wet wipes are another essential item, providing essential cleanliness when water and soap are unavailable. Small and portable, they’re often reliable companions during times of emergency when keeping hands germ-free is essential to survival.
Emergency blankets and hand warmers should also be included as essential items in your survival kit, providing lightweight warmth when temperatures drop. They’re easy to use, lightweight, and ensure maximum comfort during extreme cold spells.
Communication is vital in order to survive, and your bug out bag should include tools that facilitate this aspect of survival. Access to essential communication materials – like pamphlets that outline emergency steps and offer advice if someone has communication difficulties – may prove essential in providing assistance when needed.
An emergency bug out bag should contain essential survival tools that should be readily available should a disaster strike. Items in this kit could help ensure survival against hurricanes, tornadoes and earthquakes.
Create a checklist that covers everything you’ll need when packing your bug out bag, then whittle away at unnecessary items that add weight.
Communication is another essential element of a bug out bag, providing essential access to information in times of disaster or disruption. Plus, having radio or phone capabilities gives loved ones affected by an incident a means of staying in contact.
Some bug out bags also include a hand-crank power bank that can help charge electronics using muscle power in an emergency situation, or power other gadgets like flashlights and flashlights.
Pack only items you truly need and find most useful for your situation and situational requirements – this may include water bottles, radios and compasses as well as tools you’ll use on a daily basis.
Apart from essential items, it is also advisable to pack items that will help keep you warm and dry if an unexpected situation arises. Ponchos, blankets or emergency blankets could prove invaluable when facing such circumstances.
By following these tips when planning your bug out bag, you’ll ensure you’re well prepared for whatever may arise in an emergency. Start building it today to be as safe as possible!