Why Buy a Fire Pit With Draft?

fire pit with draft

An effective fire pit with draft can prevent overheating and gas leaks by continuously discharging air from the enclosure and replacing it with cooler outdoor air. A constant “through draft” helps dissipate collected heat inside, clearing it away to be replaced with cooler outdoor air.

To make building walls easy, select concrete block that looks like real stone from home centers and use a cold chisel and brick hammer to score along its angled sides.


An outdoor fire pit with draft provides the same campfire experience without all of the associated dangers, while at the same time helping reduce fuel costs and prevent debris from falling into flames, saving time on cleanup while protecting outdoor living spaces from unnecessary damage.

No matter what kind of fire pit you use – gas or wood-burning – it is vital that you abide by all manufacturer instructions when starting and maintaining it. Fuel type and quantity used will impact how efficiently the pit operates; keep a bucket of water nearby as well as an earth shovel ready to smother any flames if necessary, plus an extinguisher is helpful should flames get out of hand quickly.

When building your own fire pit, opt for one with an underground base and walls no higher than one foot off of the ground. This design offers stability while preventing your pit from freezing over in winter. Dig a hole and line it with gravel for drainage purposes as well as frost protection; additionally, the gravel creates a level base that supports stones that comprise its walls.

Consider where and how the wind impacts your fire pit before installing it, too. A fire pit located in an exposed corner can be susceptible to wind-driven embers being blown away from its flames, so creating a circular design may prevent this. In addition, make sure a wide path surrounds it for easier access and maintenance purposes.

An effective grate is essential to creating a safe fire pit environment, and aluminum models should be avoided. You can find an affordable iron grate at lawn and garden centers or build one yourself from bricks and refractory cement mortar that can withstand high temperatures associated with your pit’s operation.

Add a glass wind guard to your fire pit to help shield onlookers from flying embers, while simultaneously improving its appearance and functionality. These guards are typically constructed of clear tempered glass which is heatproof while not blocking views of flames.


An outdoor fire pit with draft is an easy and safe way to enjoy backyard fires without worry over smoke or sparks, while its lid makes it simple to control flames. To ensure it functions as intended, make sure that there are air holes for proper circulation; failing this, it may result in irreparable problems for both you and the firepit itself.

These pits are best utilized with hardwood fuel such as ash, birch, maple or oak; as these types of wood burn longer with lower resin content for reduced smoke emissions than other varieties. If necessary, however, pine could also be used.

For optimal pit construction, firebrick should be chosen over regular clay brick for its superior heat retention capabilities. Firebrick is specifically kilned to endure higher temperatures and can be purchased from most brickyards; you’ll likely require 25 or more firebricks for a three-foot pit – this investment will last many years as its walls withstand nightly burning sessions!

Once the pit has been constructed, it should be sealed using refractory cement – an anti-heat material sold at most home centers and sold in buckets that can be mixed with water for easier application – for a strong and sturdy base to your pit.

Make sure that the pit has a flame guard to keep wind from interfering with its flames. A flame guard will block breezes and allow for steady, bright flames. Without one, any interruption could quickly smother them out and become hard to reignite later.


The top fire pits with draft are constructed from long-wearing materials to withstand repeated nightly use for years. Consider purchasing one with a strong metal base and stainless steel construction that resist corrosion; additionally, ensure it comes equipped with an effective lid that closes securely over the side of its base to guard against rainy days and insects.

If you’re building your own in-ground fire pit, choose concrete as the footing material. This provides drainage and helps guard against frost heaves during winter. To make pouring easier, purchase cardboard forms from a building supply company and cut into 4-ft long strips that you can carry and set into place easily. Dig an 8 in deep hole for each form 3 times wider in diameter. Shovel out any excess soil without disturbing its foundation – don’t disturb its integrity either!

Most in-ground fire pits feature walls that rise no higher than one foot from the ground, providing ample room to interact while keeping the flames contained and safe. To increase wall strength further, consider using concrete block instead of regular brick; concrete blocks have been treated to withstand high temperatures more effectively than their counterparts.

Glass wind guards can be invaluable accessories for fire pits with draft, as they help keep unwanted leaves, seeds and sticks from the flames while also preventing wind from blowing it out and forcing your flame to work harder against it. If camping is in your future plans, portable versions that can work alongside one of the top coolers should also be considered an investment option.

Choose a model with a removable ash tray to make cleaning up after use easier, which also extends its longevity. The Sunnydaze Cosmic Fire Pit stands out among others with a celestial moon and stars design cut into its floor as well as raised metal strips acting as wood grates that strengthen and increase initial airflow into the flame.


Fire pits bring style and drama to any garden or patio space, providing cozy spots for conversation or simply admiring its dancing flames. In some regions, laws mandate that draft fire pits must be enclosed by fencing so as to prevent wildfires or their embers from drifting into homes or buildings – the best way to accomplish this would be building a permanent masonry structure around your fire pit as an enclosure barrier.

Permanent structures give fire pits a finished appearance while increasing durability. A concrete footing forms an enduring foundation for its walls, helping prevent ground movement over time. If building an in-ground fire pit, start by positioning a larger form in its final location before spraying it with red paint to indicate where you want your pit located. Dig an 8 in. deep and 3 in wider hole than your form by scraping away soil rather than digging; remove high spots by shoveling; compact this earth using hand tampers before shovel out high spots before creating a level platform ready for wall construction.

Brick is the traditional material for in-ground fire pits, while natural stone offers an elegant finish. If your budget permits it, opt for natural stone that complements the colors and textures of your outdoor furniture; otherwise use retaining wall blocks as cheaper options; these cement blocks feature flat top and bottom surfaces, which stack neatly without interlocking for additional strength, while their angled sides enable them to form curved walls when butted together.

Make this DIY fire pit even easier by working on just a third of the face brick at a time, layering a 3/8-in. bed of mortar for each course and leaving gaps at four opposite corners around the ring of fire pit walls for “draw holes,” filled with half bricks to feed air into the fire. Prop up these half bricks until the mortar sets before striking (“striking”) the joints to give your walls an elegant finish.

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