Survival Cooking Techniques

When the power goes out or you find yourself without a car, survival cooking skills can be your lifeline. It is one of the most essential skills you can acquire to prepare for a disaster.

Cooking from scratch is the best way to guarantee you have a nutritious meal in an emergency. By practicing these techniques now, you will be prepared for success when the time comes.


In times of survival, you must prioritize making sure you have enough food on hand. While this may seem impossible, there are some basic cooking techniques that can be employed to create tasty meals even in dire need.

Stewing is one of these methods and it can be used to create delicious and nutritious meals. This method requires using liquid to slowly cook meat and vegetables together.

This method, which can be done either on the stove top or in a slow cooker, is an efficient way to transform tough cuts of meat into tender, flavorful meals. Plus, it makes use of leftover meat from other meals so you get even more use out of your pantry!

Stewing can also be used for making one-pot meals that require minimal preparation. Simply grab whatever ingredients you have on hand and combine them into a stew that will feed multiple people.

To make stew, you will need a heavy stock pot or Dutch oven on the stovetop or in the oven. Add some liquid (beef broth, wine, beer or juice) and seasonings to taste.

Once the liquid has been added, cover the pan and cook over low heat for at least an hour. Your recipe may have different timing requirements so check it carefully and don’t lift the lid unless instructed to do so.

If you don’t have access to a stockpot or Dutch oven, wood can be used instead. This is an efficient and versatile cooking technique that can be used anywhere – even in the wilderness.

Pit Cooking

Pit cooking is an ideal way to cook fatty meats such as pork or beef and impart a wonderful flavor. Furthermore, it requires few ingredients and steps which makes it a suitable survival cooking technique.

Pit cooking has become an integral part of daily life in some regions around the world, such as Peru where pachamanca – a form of pit-cooking – is popular year-round for family gatherings.

Pachamanca, or “pit oven,” is an ancient Peruvian cooking technique that utilizes a pit in the ground to bake and smoke vegetables, roots and other foods. This process dates back to the Inca Empire and remains an important element of many Peruvian families’ culinary practices today.

Once you dig the pit, add a layer of damp soil or sand to insulate the hot rocks. Afterwards, fill the bottom of the pit with green vegetation – such as grass, seaweed, pine boughs filled with needles or any other non-toxic plant matter.

Place the wrapped food parcels atop the insulated green vegetation, covering them with any remaining vegetation. Cover the pit and wait at least three hours before digging it up and taking away the food parcels.

Food may take a while to cook and requires patience, but the end result is always delicious! Furthermore, this method of cooking is safe as long as you don’t use the fire too often or venture too far from the pit – making it an excellent alternative to conventional methods. So why not give it a try and see what works best for you?


Grilling is an ideal survival cooking method, as it allows you to quickly cook large amounts of food in a short period of time. Plus, your grill can double as a smoker or oven!

If you’re camping without electricity, this technique can be especially handy. You can cook foods like chicken, beef and vegetables over the flames of a charcoal or gas grill.

When using a grill, safety should always take priority over everything else. Never leave the grill unattended and always ensure you’re wearing appropriate gear for outdoor cooking.

It is essential to remember that cooking over a grill creates carbon monoxide, which can be deadly. Furthermore, never bring either gas or charcoal grills into your house for cooking purposes.

Another popular camping cooking method is building a fire. Building one is simple; simply use dry kindling and firewood.

One of the great benefits of a campfire is its distinct flavor. Not only does it slowly cook meat and add smokey notes, but it also gives food an irresistible aroma.

In addition to this, a campfire is perfect for roasting marshmallows and hotdogs. Additionally, it’s an excellent way to burn off extra wood around the home.

When grilling, avoid using too many sauces or pre-made marinades. These often contain high levels of sodium, sugar and fat which may be detrimental to your health.

In a survival situation, only use what you can safely eat and what supplies are on hand. This simple rule of thumb can help you stay strong during an extended crisis.


Soups are one of the most economical survival cooking techniques, able to turn a small amount of food into larger portions. Plus, soups save leftovers as well as vegetables from trash bins or compost bins which may become scarce during a survival situation.

Soup bases and broths are typically composed of essential ingredients such as meat, vegetables, grains and spices. Canned beans may be included in soups along with dehydrated or freeze-dried vegetables for extra nutrition.

When making soup or broth, be sure to add liquids such as water, milk and stock as needed for flavor, consistency and to help preserve the nutrients and taste of your soup. It is also essential to season with salt and pepper for extra flavor and a slight kick in heat.

Another inexpensive soup ingredient to consider is cooked wheat berries, which add vitamins and texture to your soup. They make for an excellent addition to vegetable soup or protein-packed chicken or beef broths.

At the end of cooking, vegetables can be added to create a thicker broth or soup base. They may also be boiled in to add heat and make the soup easier to digest for those with sensitive stomachs.

Soups are a staple in many households, as they’re easy to make and filling for hungry people. There is an array of soup varieties, each boasting its own unique blend of vegetables and proteins. No wonder why soups have become so popular!

Creamy soups such as chowders and creamed soups are endless possibilities, thanks to butter and cream which add extra fats and vitamins. Furthermore, having access to freeze-dried or dehydrated vegetables allows you to create soups that can be stored for years at a time.


One of the most beloved survival cooking methods is baking. Not only is it economical and reliable, but depending on what bread you make it can provide enough nourishment for months or even years!

Baking is also an excellent way to add flavor and nutrients to your food. Try using wild onions, garlic, or berries in place of wheat in recipes for extra fiber, vitamins, and minerals.

For a sweeter alternative, fruit cake can be an ideal option. Not only does it contain essential nutrients and energy-boosting substances, but its deliciousness also gives you energy reserves during times of crisis.

Hardtack, pilot bread and ship biscuits are three common survival bread recipes that will keep you alive in an emergency. These biscuits are long-lasting and cost-effective to make; all that’s required for preparation is water, flour and salt.

A basic survival bread recipe can be customized to meet your nutritional needs and is an excellent opportunity to experiment with different ingredients. Incorporating wild plants like amaranth, cattails or bulrushes into the recipe adds fiber, protein and micronutrients. You could also bake with dried fruits like raisins, cherries or blackberries for extra flavor! You don’t have to be an expert baker either – making this an easy way for everyone to enjoy healthy food while maintaining a busy lifestyle!

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