Month: April 2023

Types of Survival Shelters

Survival shelters shield you from the elements and keep your body temperature stable. Without protection, exposure to extreme temperatures could be fatal in as little as three hours. Understanding how to construct various types of shelters is a must-have for your wilderness survival kit. Knowing the right one for your requirements can save time and…

Weapons For Preppers

No matter if you’re a prepper or just an average guy, having a gun on hand is never a bad idea. Armed with firearms, you have protection in case any unexpected emergencies arise. The most prepared individuals understand this and carry a variety of weapons tailored for different scenarios. Some opt for weapons primarily used…

Best Powder Milks

Milk powder is an ideal substitute for liquid milk. Its superior durability compared to fresh milk makes it perfect for camping trips or hotel rooms. When shopping for powdered milk, look for a product that dissolves rapidly and doesn’t leave lumps when mixed with water. Additionally, it should be low in fat and free from…

Best Defensive Weapon

The ideal defensive weapon doesn’t always need to be a firearm. There are plenty of other tools you can carry in your pocket for added protection. Knuckle duster: this small but effective weapon can be worn around your knuckles to deliver a devastating punch to an attacker’s face. Stun Gun Stun guns are small self-defense…

Stun Sticks – A Convenient and Effective Self-Defense Device

If you’re searching for a self-defense weapon that will keep you secure, stun sticks are an ideal option. They have several advantages such as being easy to carry and conceal, being effective, and being non-lethal. Telescopic sticks offer the advantage of extending the end towards your attacker and come in various shapes and sizes. They…