Prep Supplies List – Things Every Prepper Should Have on Hand
Preppers understand the critical need to have an ample supply of emergency preparedness items on hand. This list will assist you in getting started by covering some of the most essential prep supplies every prepper should possess.
Water is one of the most essential items a prepper must have. It’s recommended that you store one gallon of drinking water per person daily for two weeks.
Water is one of the most essential items to have on hand during an emergency. Being able to obtain drinking water during a crisis can mean all the difference between staying healthy and becoming seriously ill.
Water can be obtained from various sources, such as rivers, streams, ponds and wells. If these sources are unavailable to you, have a large supply of bottled water stored with your prep supplies for emergencies. Make sure the bottles remain sealed in an airtight container in a secure and dark place to prevent contamination.
Ideally, your family should have enough water to last several weeks or more. It is recommended that each person stores at least a gallon of water daily.
Water should always be stored in clean containers, such as 2-liter soft drink bottles. If possible, disinfect the water container before use to ensure maximum sanitation.
It is also wise to have a way of purifying the water you store, if necessary. Filters are affordable and come in all different shapes and sizes – perfect for filtering water stored at home or camping trailer.
Food and water are two of the most essential items you should have on hand if you want to be a prepared. Start by creating a list of all of your family’s favorite foods, then build up an emergency food supply that will provide adequate nutrition in case of emergency. You can find an excellent list of what should go on this prepper supply list here; be sure to download and save it so that it can be referenced as you build up your preps.
Food is one of the most essential items in any emergency kit. Not only will it keep you and your family fed during a disaster or other crisis, but having enough supplies for everyone at home to last at least a week is ideal. To maximize efficiency in preparations, store one supply per person in your household as well as enough to last at least that long.
Some of the best foods to stock up on include bulk staples like rice and beans, hard wheat berries and dried fruit. These high-calorie and long-lasting food items can easily be prepared when you need a quick boost of energy.
Other nutritious choices for breakfast include fruits and vegetables that don’t need cooking, saving you time and energy while providing you with essential nutrients for a healthy lifestyle.
Your family’s emergency food list should be tailored to what you plan on eating during an emergency. Select foods that are nutritionally balanced and free from high-salt ingredients.
Once you have your supplies planned out, be sure to rotate them as often as possible. Doing this keeps your food at its freshest and healthiest. Furthermore, check each food’s expiration date in order to prevent purchasing expired items that could spoil in the back of your pantry. Additionally, buying in bulk helps save money since excess food would otherwise go bad in storage.
First Aid
Preppers understand the critical need to have an emergency first aid kit on hand. This kit can protect yourself and your family in case disaster strikes or you find yourself on an expedition without access to medical assistance.
Prepper first aid kits provide all of the basic supplies necessary for minor injuries or illnesses, as well as more sophisticated items like medications and wound care items. This makes it simpler to quickly respond to injuries so that the patient can see a doctor promptly.
A comprehensive first aid kit should include various bandages and materials, such as adhesive bandages, cotton gauze pads, pressure bandages, and more. These items can help to stop bleeding, reduce pain, and protect the area of an injury from infection.
Other essential first aid supplies include antiseptic wipes, triple antibiotic ointment, eye pads and non-latex gloves. These supplies can be used for cleansing wounds and preventing disease spread to nearby areas.
In addition to basic medical supplies, first aid kits should contain instructions for use and a guide that demonstrates how to correctly administer certain first aid procedures. These instructions should be clear and include diagrams or pictures so it’s easier for you to learn how to treat an injury or illness.
These instructions are essential for everyone, but especially so if you are a prepper and must know how to handle an emergency without professional assistance. Educating yourself and your family on how to utilize each item in the first aid kit is essential so that you can respond confidently in any medical crisis.
If you aren’t a preparedness expert but still need basic first aid supplies, most grocery stores or pharmacies carry them. However, for more advanced items like defibrillators or epi-pens, these should be purchased separately from your other supplies.
No matter where you live or have access to clean drinking water, having an ample supply is essential for long-term survival. Not only that, but having extra flashlights and batteries for emergencies are always useful too! But how exactly should you stock up on all these necessary items for success? Keep these tips in mind as you create your list of must-haves; then you will be well on your way towards living a safer and more enjoyable prepper lifestyle. There are many options out there; consider shopping around from different suppliers instead of sticking with one big box store or supermarket.