Author: Bob Jones

man standing at mountian

Survival Item List

Have the appropriate survival gear can mean the difference between life and death in an emergency. Air Horn – Loud noise can alert rescuers or scare away dangerous wildlife. Water Treatment Tablets – Make dirty water potable for the survivor. Stuff Sack – Provides the survivor with an effective method for carrying their sleeping bag…

Preparing For Nuclear Attack

Dependent upon the size of a bomb, survivors would only have a matter of minutes to take shelter before it bursts with its bright flash and heat wave, potentially exposing them to radiation from fallout particles containing radioactivity. Underground shelter may be preferable, and brick or concrete buildings provide maximum protection. Windows should also be…

Survival Kit in a Sardine Can

Are You Prepped, or Will the Fittest Survive? Be both with this unique survival kit in a sardine can. All essential supplies for survival included (except any actual sardines). This compact survival kit includes emergency medical items, nourishment and navigational aids to meet the needs of hikers, campers, travelers, boaters etc. Additionally, there’s even water…

Syphoning Gas – How to Do It Safely

Syphoning gas requires both knowledge and practice to master, making it an extremely valuable survival or convenience skill to have on their resumes. At first, check for air bubbles in your tubing to ensure proper flow and avoid swallowing or breathing in gasoline vapors that could potentially poisoning. How to Siphon Gas Syphoning gas can…