Author: Bob Jones

Fish Antibiotics For Preppers

Fish antibiotics are an increasingly popular prepper item for those preparing for disaster and social collapse, and this article draws upon scholarship on survival prepping and resistance to neoliberalism to explore why individuals consume these animal medications. Answering that question lies within their ease of purchase and use, with limited regulation governing their usage potentially…

Legacy Essentials Offers the Best Egg Powder

Eggs make an excellent long-term food storage choice because they’re rich in protein while still relatively low in calories and unhealthy fats, not to mention they can even be eaten raw, which makes it perfect if you have food allergies or sensitivities. This powdered egg product boasts an exceptionally long shelf life and comes packaged…

Coalatree Haswell Survival Knife Reviews

Web This survival knife features exquisite hand craftsmanship. Add in its durable steel and wood construction, and this rugged blade will thrive as a tool in the outdoors. Dylan Wanta of Salt Lake City was responsible for creating this extraordinary survival knife with its wedge-shaped Scandi grind blade that looks absolutely fantastic and can withstand…

Features to Look For in a Radio for Emergency Communication

Emergency radios must have two key capabilities that make them valuable tools: an unobstructed signal and a straightforward method for charging batteries. With Motorola radio earpieces and portable chargers available to first responders, first aid workers can focus on saving lives rather than being concerned with communication problems. Two-way radios can be an invaluable asset…

How Many Doomsday Preppers Are There?

People often associate the phrase ‘doomsday preppers’ with eccentric individuals like Kaczynski who live off-grid in the woods; however, preppers can come from any walk of life and come from every background. Preppers prepare for manmade and natural disasters of various sorts ranging from nuclear bombing to zombie invasion by stockpiling supplies, training for survival…